Charge a purchase using a saved token.

Charge a purchase using a recurring_token provided in the request body. Its value should be an id of a Purchase that has is_recurring_token == true. This purchase will be paid using the same method (e.g. same card) as the one used to pay the recurring_token purchase.

If this operation takes too long to be processed on the acquirer side - you will get a response with status code 200 and a Purchase object having status = pending_charge in body (you will receive a corresponding Webhook callback too for a purchase.pending_charge event). To be notified of a successful operation completion, please subscribe to purchase.paid callback event - it will deliver an updated Purchase with status = paid. Alternatively, if charge fails, you will receive a purchase.payment_failure callback event.

If recurring charge fails due to payment processing error, you will receive HTTP response code 400 with error code purchase_charge_error. In this case, to get more details about the error, you should perform a GET /purchase/ request for the Purchase you tried to charge. In transaction_data.attempts[] array (newest element first) you'll find the corresponding attempt with error code and description in .error parameter.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!