Capitec Pay

Capitec is a proprietary bank technology that allows payment providers and their merchants to request payments from Capitec clients. When Customers choose Capitec Pay as their payment method, they simply approve the payment on the Capitec Banking app – without requiring to share their bank card details or banking login information.

Supporting technical documentationLink
API referenceGo
Postman recipesGo

Customers can make a payment via Capitec pay system in 3 ways:

  • By phone
  • Via ID number
  • Via account number

Step 1: Initiate Purchase

To accept Instant Capitec payments in your application or website, use:

  • Please remember to specify the success/fail redirect in the call
  • To capture customers' card details, use an HTML form hosted on your website with method="POST"

Step2: Direct post to generate redirect URL

If you want to use phone

curl --location 'https://api_domain/p/transaction_id/' \
--form 's2s="true"' \
--form 'capitec_radio_mobile_number="true"' \
--form 'capitec_mobile_number="buyer_mobile_number"' \
--form 'pm="capitec_pay"' \

If you want to use id number

curl --location 'https://api_domain/p/transaction_id/' \
--form 's2s="true"' \
--form 'capitec_radio_id_number="true"' \
--form 'capitec_id_number="buyer_id_number"' \
--form 'pm="capitec_pay"' \

f you want to use account number you need to send

curl --location 'https://api_domain/p/transaction_id/' \
--form 's2s="true"' \
--form 'capitec_radio_account_number="true"' \
--form 'capitec_account_number="buyer_account_number"' \
--form 'pm="capitec_pay"' \

In the response, you will receive a JSON with the redirect URL to which you must send the buyer. Then, the buyer will get a notification in the app on his phone, and within 2 minutes, you will get a webhook with the transaction status.

Step3: Verify status

  • Use the success_callback parameter of the Purchase object.
  • Use GET /purchases/<purchase_id> request.
  • Set up a Webhook using your account's Developers section or Webhook API to listen to purchase.paid, or purchase.payment_failure event on your server.

What's next